Friday, February 11, 2011

Analyzing Environmental Portraits

1. Natural light or flash used? How do you know? Flash was used because it was inside. Clearly lighting was used to shine on the painter.
2. List the photo composition techniques used. Rule of thirds is used in the photograph.
3. Describe details of the subject. (Clothing, eyes, hair, pose, facial expression) The subject is seated and is dressed normal showing a relaxed pose. This could depict how relaxed she feels when she paints or is around these paintings.
4. Describe details of the background environment. (colors, textures, lighting, indoors/outdoors) The paintings in the background add color to the picture and also add texture because the paintings show something unique.
5. From these descriptions, write a sentence(s) describing the personality of this subject. The woman seems to be a relaxed individual who is very creative.
6. How did the combination of pose, expression, background and lighting create your perception of this subject? This combination helpes create the perception because when I think of art and of an individual who paints I think that that is what relaxes them and what the love to do. This is why I think of her as calm and creative because not everyone can paint what she paints.

1. Natural light or flash used? How do you know? Natural light is used because it is outside.
2. List the photo composition techniques used. Selective focus is used as the focus is on the kid and the pumpkins are in the background.
3. Describe details of the subject. (Clothing, eyes, hair, pose, facial expression) The child is doing a silly pose and is smiling showing that he is having fun while he is perhaps picking out pumpkins for halloween.
4. Describe details of the background environment. (colors, textures, lighting, indoors/outdoors) It is outdoors and the background is grass and pumpkins. The background environment could illustrate the season of the year and time of the month.
5. From these descriptions, write a sentence(s) describing the personality of this subject. The child looks like most of the other children who like to have fun and are silly.
6. How did the combination of pose, expression, background and lighting create your perception of this subject? These elements tied together helped my perception because they properly depict the time of season and portray fun and innocence through the photo.

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