Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Student Life Pictures

Mrs. Pratt and Mr. Wedde looks attentively at senior, Edna Pulido, as she asks a question at a BPA meeting.
Senior, Natalie Rivera, happily works on her statistics assignment in Mrs. Silva's AP class.
Senior, Eduardo Gamba, works on his resume for his internship in Mr. Wedde's Business Practicum.
Seniors, Alfredo Salinas and Kari Kimball, romantically walk together as a bystander observes them.
Seniors, Sarai Maldonado, Mark Salinas, Carmen Cisneros, and Edna Pulido, patiently wait for their bus to arrive so they can leave to their internships.
Seniors, Eduardo Gamba, Natalie Rivera, Karina Torres and Mrs. Payne read the instructions as they wait for their turn to donate blood.
Senior, Michael McGee, takes a moment to rest from all of the craziness in Mr. Wedde's Business Practicum.
Seniors, Mary Paredes and Madison Hiser, talk and doze off in Mr. Wedde's classroom.
Junior, Jesus Cuellar, nervously waits for the blood donation procedure to start.
Senior, Saul Bernabe and junior, Jose Martinez, take advantage of the snacks as they lounge around the Blood Drive area.

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