Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Student Life Pictures

Mrs. Pratt and Mr. Wedde looks attentively at senior, Edna Pulido, as she asks a question at a BPA meeting.
Senior, Natalie Rivera, happily works on her statistics assignment in Mrs. Silva's AP class.
Senior, Eduardo Gamba, works on his resume for his internship in Mr. Wedde's Business Practicum.
Seniors, Alfredo Salinas and Kari Kimball, romantically walk together as a bystander observes them.
Seniors, Sarai Maldonado, Mark Salinas, Carmen Cisneros, and Edna Pulido, patiently wait for their bus to arrive so they can leave to their internships.
Seniors, Eduardo Gamba, Natalie Rivera, Karina Torres and Mrs. Payne read the instructions as they wait for their turn to donate blood.
Senior, Michael McGee, takes a moment to rest from all of the craziness in Mr. Wedde's Business Practicum.
Seniors, Mary Paredes and Madison Hiser, talk and doze off in Mr. Wedde's classroom.
Junior, Jesus Cuellar, nervously waits for the blood donation procedure to start.
Senior, Saul Bernabe and junior, Jose Martinez, take advantage of the snacks as they lounge around the Blood Drive area.

Monday, October 25, 2010

First Nine Weeks

It is amazing that already nine weeks of my senior year have passed! Wow does time fly! I'm happy to say that it has been a great nine weeks though. I have hung out with my friends a numerous amount of times and had so much fun; I have grown closer to many people; I have gone out on trips and I have enjoyed them oh so very much. As for school, well that is another story. I am proud of myself for how I have been keeping up my grades to higher B's and even though I could be doing better I am just happy that all is going well. Unfortunately, these first nine weeks I have not started on my college applications but I keep telling myself it's okay because I know myself and I know that I will get it done and everything will turn out for the best. I'm happy that this year is turning out very great and aside from college stuff I don't really have to worry too much about school work because I am good and I know I can make it through the year. In all, the first nine weeks have been great and I cannot wait for what is to come; because, it is our last year and we are going to make the best of it! :]

Taking Photos

I have always loved to take pictures of anyone and anything; however, that does not necessarily mean I am a good photographer. I have a lot of things to work on; and after reading the tips for taking better photos I have a better feel for how to take the photos. I will put those tips to use and take better photos. Normal picture differ from those example given in that a lot of times editors do not want posed pictures. It is like Mrs. Wilson says "we want verbs not nouns (action pictures)."

Friday, October 8, 2010

Photos of the Day

Photojournalism is journalism that presents a story primarily through pictures. It is different from art and other photography because it isn't planned. It tells a story and every snapshot should be an action shot as you are trying to tell people what is going on through this single picture, having the caption only to emphasize the situation. Photojournalism is only an art in the way that it is a photo but it serves the purpose of being much more than just an "art". The purpose is of course to get a situation and explain it through a single frame. New photograph are important and memorable because  it a picture has more color than a newspaper that is black and white and just has a bunch of words on it. People remember pictures for whatever reason because they are always different. Words are words, the text will only look different if you change the font; but, then again it is still text. Pictures change, and that's what we like!